Grocery shopping used to be a fun and exciting experience. I would take my time perusing all of the new products and contemplate what I wanted to make for dinner each night of the week. Nowadays, however, it’s often a stressful game of searching for discounts and deals and trying to spend as little as possible without starving until I have to return to the store.
To make this process slightly less painful, many people opt to have their groceries delivered. But these services can be hit or miss for customers and couriers. We took a trip to the Instacart Shoppers subreddit and gathered photos and screenshots of their most amusing experiences down below. Enjoy scrolling through, and be sure to upvote the pics that remind you to always tip couriers generously!
#1 Delivery For Ms. Kitty
Image credits: tfoote7
#2 MVP- Better Believe I Doubled The Tip
I am stuck at home with a toddler and so happy to pay for someone to do my shopping. Look at the bags I was greeted with when I got home! I was giddy.
Image credits: abschnorf
#3 This Dog Wouldn’t Let Me Stage The Items LOL
Image credits: kmalmrose
#4 I Was Supervised On A Delivery This Afternoon
Image credits: Left0fcenterr
#5 $1m House; $0 Tip
Image credits: EnvironmentalFill3
#6 So I Delievered To My Boss.. Surprised $450 Tip
Image credits: ConsiderationNo5747
#7 Just Lost A $15 Tip For Not Driving Past This Sign
They live about 15 miles from town and messaged me “this is the last time I pre-tip”. Good luck ever getting your groceries delivered again!
Image credits: UnboxTheWorld
#8 Customer Made Me Sob!!
I’ve never had a customer put this much effort into giving me a review and I’ve been doing this for over 3 years. I honestly didn’t do anything special, it’s how I treat all my other customers. It’s really refreshing to feel noticed and appreciated. She made not just my day but my whole life lol. I’ll be forever grateful.
Image credits: chubbychick2
#9 Nicest Thing I’ve Ever Received On Delivery
Image credits: Ethan9119
#10 I Drew Up A “Thank You” Card For My Customers
I’m also an artist, so I thought of printing up some thank you cards. They’ve helped with getting consistent ratings, so I find it worth the occasional sheets of cardstock.
Image credits: MarmieMakes
#11 This Initial Message
Image credits: ChainsawLullaby
#12 Delivered To An Ice Cream Shop
Image credits: Middle-Tangerine-945
#13 First Time This Has Happened In 2 Years Of Shopping
I’ve seen on here so many times where the customer is like “yeah get yourself a drink too” but never had anything even close to that happen until now
Image credits: kingofzdom
#14 Pay May Be Low But This Was A Great Tip
Image credits: godihateonions
#15 I Delivered To A Very Pawlite Customer Today
Image credits: New_Lobster_8770
#16 Most Heart Wrenching Instacart Order I’ve Had
Image credits: PotatoManX
#17 Well, This Was A First…
Image credits: upsidedown_squirrel
#18 I Bearly Made It To This Delivery
Delivered to a gated community here in our little mountain town and was met with this friendly fellow. I think could smell all the yummy groceries in my car, literally walked right towards my car before finally crossing the road.
Notice the bear/deer crossing sign behind him.
Image credits: WillingRecognition75
#19 Customer Left Me An Envelope With Money
Customer messaged me in the app saying there’s an envelope for me. I picked it up and saw this note with a $5 bill inside. Thought it was super sweet and wanted to share.
Image credits: RobbinK2
#20 I’ve Now Done It All… Homeless Camp Delivery
I can’t make this up…I delivered hot dogs, burgers, POPSICLES, ice cream, donuts, cheesecake, and organic veggies to a homeless camp…
She met me at the railroad track intersection with a pull cart 🤯🤯🤯
Can’t make this up.
Image credits: Distinct_King316
#21 “Tip Yourself 5 Dollars”
Takes 5 dollars out of my wallet and puts it back
Thanks I appreciate you!! 😅🤣
Side note didn’t see a “funny” flair so used this one guess it works as well.
Image credits: Silevo65
#22 Finally Had One Of “Those” Customers
i deliver in this area a lot. it’s a safe neighborhood. why are people so weird lol.
Image credits: caffeinatedminn
#23 My Proof Of Delivery Photo
Image credits: mutantdustbunny
#24 Anyone Else Get Bizarre Orders Like This LOL
Image credits: Loopy_27
#25 Got Tipped $70 Bc Neighbors Called The Cops
To make a long story short, Karen neighbor called the cops on me because I was “parked illegally” on the street… I was on the side of the road in a residential neighborhood with my hazards on. Guy I was delivering to came out and talked to the cops with me. When I left I saw the notif that he increased my tip from $8 to $68. Thanks!!
Image credits: perez-hilton
#26 Having A Stare Down With This Peanut Butter
Image credits: GoodgaldollOF
#27 You Say Tomato… I Say Wtf???
I can’t tell if the shopper was seriously that clueless or if they think it’s a fun way to mess with customers? The garden center is on the opposite side of the store as the produce… I’m flabbergasted.
Image credits: mrsmcgrasshopper
#28 Jesus Christ Crystal
Image credits: Shot_Dragonfruit_387
#29 Trapped In Customer’s Vestibule
Image credits: Mundane_Confection_6
#30 One Of The Strangest Orders I’ve Ever Shopped
So I get an order for 18 items for $28 and I take it and then realize it’s like 113 units or something like that. I contemplated canceling but decided to just shop it as quickly as possible. All fruit mind you. $308 worth of fruit to be exact 😆. Turns out the guy ordering sends an order like this to his sister on her birthday every year as a prank. I shopped and checked out fairly quick and get to the house. I start handing bags to the lady and she goes “honey the fruit is here again”. I’m glad I followed through with the order it was definitely worth the laughs and ended up being $48 after tip increase for a bunch of fruit. Hopefully they have a good blender or donate some of this because there’s no way anyone is eating this much fruit. 🍎🍌
Image credits: Happy-Kitchen3111
#31 I May Actually Lose My Mind
Image credits: Alternative_Bit_6726
#32 Jealous Of My GF 😂
Image credits: freaknyou23
#33 Customer Tipped Me $50 After I Had A Breakdown🥲
During this batch: i ripped my pants when i started shopping, i left my windows down in the rain and hail and somehow i guess i was so stressed i left my car running while i was shopping ??? like have never done that idk what happened. my windows were so foggy and it was raining so hard i couldn’t see very well, the car in front of me didn’t have brake lights and i nearly rear ended them and all the groceries went flying. customer b’s eggs broke and both orders were mixed up and all over the car. i pulled over in the rain and sorted through the groceries for awhile and hoped i got everything right but at that point i couldn’t even see past my tears. i tried to hold it together when i got to the door but was very obviously not ok. i told her about the near accident and how the groceries went flying and apologized but she was just worried about if i was ok. genuinely the kindest customer i’ve ever had. after the second delivery i saw she tipped me $50🥹 she had also messaged me to tell me all her groceries were there and everything was perfect. i told her how much i appreciated it but idk if i could express it well enough through messages. i hope she knows she really made a difference
Image credits: therealslim80
#34 Reported This Guy, Felt So Uncomfortable
Image credits: Sew_mahina
#35 I Was Delivering My Order When…
Strong wind knocked over the basketball net right on to their truck while I was waiting for the customer. 😳 luckily I never got to see the reaction since the customer never showed up for their order.
Image credits: Electric_feels_now
#36 Support Cancelled The Wrong Order: Now I Have This
Double order. Order A went through fine. Order B was being declined on payment. Support accidentally cancels order A. Now I have this Lego which is worth 5x what I would have been paid.
Image credits: Alive_League1680
#37 *cue Panic Attack*
Image credits: Prestigious-Dot-1717
#38 Some People Are Awesome
Image credits: Jh4282nandez
#39 Shopped An Order For My Best Friend Yesterday
Image credits: crack-head-magic
#40 What In The Actual F**k?
She probably thinks we get paid by the hour. She must also think the sun revolves around her… like there’s other customers you know?? Plus that won’t work…
Image credits: KairoArturo
#41 Dang Girl What Did You Do
Image credits: ShowApprehensive1793
#42 My First Bad Experience
This lady was constantly sending me messages asking me to send her pictures of the items she wanted to see how they looked, I did not mind. She then started refunding a lot of items so I told her to cancel my order. It was a big order 60 items nothing heavy, 30 items were fruits and vegetables and the store is 1.9 miles away. The tip was $50 plus a paid for fast delivery. Am I wrong for wanting to cancel the order?
Image credits: BeeEmbarrassed7841
#43 This A$$hole Has Ordered 629 Times
Image credits: reddit.com
#44 This Customer Thought I Was Ringing Her Doorbell?
I had this customer and they were freaking out on me even though i had not arrived yet. This was an alcohol delivery so I got worried about the delivery being face to face.
Image credits: Important-Try1133
#45 I Hate Lying Customers
What is the point when i have a clear picture of it being the exact item.
Image credits: Fun_Whereas_3644
#46 Awesome Free Score After Cancellation
I did a small, 3 item Sam’s Club shop. Was 2 15lb briskets, some Hot sausage links and a pack of hot dog buns to be delivered to someone’s food truck. Delivery address was about 3.5-4 miles away from the store. Once I got there (a medical campus) I couldn’t find the food truck anywhere. I messaged them asking where exactly there food truck was. The then messaged me a totally different address about 45 minutes away. I told them that and how it’s not the address they listed, they apologized that it was the wrong address, and told me to cancel. I called up IC support and they helped me cancel it. This is about 30lbs and $150 worth of brisket I got for free
Image credits: RangerAZ1989
#47 Found This Posted On A Local Group
Image credits: anonymousmetoo
#48 Instacart Needs To Ban These Customers
Image credits: VapingInTheU-Haul
#49 Got Tip Baited
Dude, I was so stoked! Huge Costco order – two orders in a batch one order has some stuff and nine cases of 24-pack zero-sugar sparkling water! Other order had like 13 items, Delivered right to the door, as requested. Then I lugged all that crap up two flights of stairs (no elevator!), said thanks, and finished the second delivery. But then I saw the pay – the tip was slashed from $170 to $10! All that happiness vanished, man, I was so hurt. I didn’t screw anything up. Why would someone do that? I was practically gasping for air carrying all that stuff!
Image credits: pranaybabu83
#50 I’m Happy That I Told Customer About Gas Leak
Image credits: pranaybabu83
#51 Anyone Else Bring A Bud Along?
Image credits: _Antak_
#52 Me When A Customer Said I Ruined Her Christmas
Image credits: caffeinatedminn
#53 My Biggest Order Ever. Just Pick Up At Best Buy
Image credits: Flimsy_Remove_4943
#54 I’m Sorry What?
Image credits: Significant_Style653
#55 Target Tipped Me $10
Image credits: amazingactor111
#56 What Do I Do?
Image credits: Middle-Tangerine-945
#57 “Please Leave Inside Fence”
Image credits: makobruh_
#58 I Damn Near Dropped My Phone When I Seen This!!
Highest paying order I’ve ever had!
Image credits: xSquilliamFancySon
#59 I Hate These Type Of People
Image credits: reddditredddi
#60 Order Was Cancelled As I Was Checking Out
Image credits: GreenForestGuy
#61 My Favorite Part When Delivering Orders ❤️
Image credits: JBNA
#62 $385 Worth Of Free Groceries
So customer was writing me back while shopping and just completely stopped…I tried calling numerous times to ask about a replacement but no answer. When I arrived to the business location it was closed and nobody answered. Usually I’ll leave the items at door but this was a business and it had a wine bottle…called Instacart and they told me to return the wine and keep the rest! $36 order turn into $385 worth of free groceries.
Image credits: Coppa_Jets
#63 Parking Was In Fact Not Free
I get this order, he says it’s free parking. His apartment is in a business type plaza with no street parking. I get there and my gut tells me it isn’t free. So I ask for assistant at the kiosk (the one that prints your parking ticket to get into the garage) and they tell me it’s only free if a business validates my ticket. I ask if tenants can validate and she says no.
How many people did this guy get to pay for their own parking? Once you drive in, you can’t leave without paying. Why why why do people do this?
In case you’re wondering what happened: I message him and he insists it’s free, tries to convince me to go up. Says he always has stuff delivered. I explain I’ll try to find parking and get his stuff to him. He becomes hostile about how I don’t listen. So I contact support…his order was canceled.
Image credits: Ashpear24
#64 This Guy…expects To Be The Only Customer
Shop most of a double order then get a message from this guy asking if he’s the only customer. When he found out I had one other order he threw a hissy fit and demanded to be the only customer to be shopped for. Yes, I was muttering obscenities under my breath as I put his items back.) What is wrong with people smfh (this was just part of the convo I happened to screenshot)
Image credits: violetbash13
#65 Why Does Instacart Think This Is Acceptable? 🤦🏻♀️
How do they get away with this nonsense? $23 batch pay?? The $44 tip is a joke. The amount of time and work that would require, then to drive it all 40 miles!! I don’t know who’s more delusional, Instacart or the customer?! The water alone roughly weighs 4,350 lbs. I’m dumbfounded.
Image credits: IllustriousDealer389
#66 It Finally Happened
Was trying to deliver an order this morning and the customer had 4 dogs. I couldn’t open my door for almost 5 minutes because the dogs wouldn’t leave the area and I finally open my door and one of the dogs jumps on me and bites my arm. Anyone who’s been in this situation before? What have you done?
Image credits: bri_pumpkin99
#67 Well It Finally Happened To Me 😂
Image credits: watch_u_smoke