Cyndi Lauper and David Thornton – Together Since 1991
In 1983 singer, Cyndi Lauper released the well-known Girls just wanna have fun pop song. It was during the height of her career that she met her then-boyfriend, Dave Wolff. The couple broke up in the late ’80s after being together for six years. Lauper was heartbroken, a busy career, public scrutiny, and unequipped financial planning even had her declare bankruptcy at one point. It was during her darkest times that she met David Thornton. At first, they were just friends, but after Thornton consoled Lauper and stood by her, the friendship turned into a romance.
In 1991, they tied the knot and had been together ever since. When the couple’s only child was younger, Thornton decided to become a stay-at-home dad to give Lauper the freedom to pursue her singing career. His support has made their relationship stronger than ever. Already married for 28 years, they’ll continue their happy marriage until death do them part.
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